In most cases you have probably billed the patient numerous times before you ever sent their account to TSC. Generally you are under no obligation to bill this new insurance for them. However, you can choose to do so, but be aware of filing deadlines. Regardless of good intentions and legitimate reasons for the non-timely filing of a claim, insurance companies may still deny payment and prohibit you from billing the patient.
If the claim is still timely and you believe it should be billed, then let TSC know and we will place the account on hold and prevent it from being reported to the credit bureaus. We will not contact the patient during this period. Simply e-mail our customer service representative at, or call our office at 760-444-5526, to place the account on hold.
You can also make this type of request through our Online Portal. Please contact your sales representative for instructions and training.
If timely filing is potentially an issue, our experience has shown that the best procedure is to tell your customer that their account is now in collections and it is out of your hands. Tell them they need to contact TSC and speak with their account representative.
Because of timely filing concerns, we will explain to them that once they pay their balance in full, we will be happy to see that their new insurance is billed. We will further explain that when and if their insurance pays our client, they will get a refund of the principal balance they paid to TSC.