medical collection

June 2023

Texas Healthcare Billing

By |2023-06-06T22:10:08+00:00June 6th, 2023|

  For our healthcare clients who do business in Texas, there are some upcoming changes to required medical billing practices that must be followed before you can refer your past due accounts to a collection agency. Texas SB 490 was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott on May 29, 2023, and goes into effect [...]

November 2017

6 Tips for Getting Your Clients to Pay Their Debt

By |2020-07-24T23:24:31+00:00November 14th, 2017|

It doesn’t matter if your customer is someone you know personally and have a great relationship with or a new customer that you have no relationship with — you have not only an obligation, but a right to collect any money that is owed to your business. Collecting debt is never easy, however the key [...]

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