October 2015

How do I send accounts to TSC?

By |2018-01-31T16:48:48+00:00October 9th, 2015|

Many of our clients send accounts to us on paper or via facsimile.We encourage our clients to take advantage of several electronic means to submit their accounts for collections. This includes placing accounts for collections through our online portal, which is accessed through our web site by clicking "Client Login". This is very simple and [...]

What information do I need to send to TSC when I send an account for collections?

By |2015-10-09T19:22:11+00:00October 9th, 2015|

One of the biggest obstacles encountered in collections is contacting the debtor. Therefore, the more information you can give us, the more successful we will be.Below is the information we are requesting from you when you send us an account for collections, and we require the bolded items before we can accept an account for [...]

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